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Strengthened international cooperation to help migratory birds

Strengthened international cooperation is needed to secure the hunting of migratory birds in the future. Hunting organizations of seven Northwest European countries have established Waterfowlers’ Network with the aim of enhancing populations of migratory birds through international projects and collaboration on data collection, sustainable harvest and improvement of habitats for migratory birds.

Migratory birds must be managed with a strong scientific basis across national borders if we want to ensure sustainable populations, thus the network will also focus on sharing experiences and gathering new knowledge – and on gaining a better understanding of the drivers of population changes etc. 

Project Penelope

Waterfowlers' Network is leading an international project aiming to track Eurasian Wigeon through the annual cycle by use of GPS-trackers and colour rings. The project will gather information on migration routes and habitat use, thus helping to support future conservation actions.

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Duck Nest Monitoring Project

Waterfowlers' Network has set up an international citizen science project to monitor the effect of artificial duck nest structures such as breeding baskets, duck tubes and nest boxes. Our data recording form is available in several languages.

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