The Royal Dutch Hunters’ Association

The Royal Dutch Hunters’ Association represents 21.000 hunters in the Netherlands and works together with all organisations who feel connected to responsible management of the Dutch landscape. The 25 professionals of the Association give advice and support to 300 local hunting associations and all the individual members.

The Netherlands is a highly populated and diverse country with 17 million inhabitants and a high density of urbanisation. It has beautiful nature reserves, about 3 million hectares of hunting grounds, high agricultural productivity and a wide variety of flora and fauna. Some species, like geese, roe deer, foxes and wild boar, thrive in Dutch conditions.

Dutch hunters take pride in improving habitat and biodiversity. They encourage development of field margins, partridge habitat, ponds and cover for many species.

The large extent of wetlands makes the country attractive to waterfowl. In winter, a maximum of 2,5 million geese and 2- 2.5 million ducks and waders are present. In the breeding season, 1,5 million geese and ducks are recognized as resident waterfowl.